3rd Trimester

How accurate was your growth ultrasound?

Probably more of a question for second time moms, but those of you who have had growth ultrasounds, how accurate did they end up being?  I know this question has probably been asked so I apologize.  Googling this question brought up all kinds of answers, so I am interested in hearing what your experience has been. We had our 32 week growth ultrasound and they estimate our son to be 5 lbs 6 oz, in the 96th percentile!  They think he will be close to 10 lbs at delivery.  I do not have GD, but do have a lot of height in my family.  We will be going back at 36 weeks for another growth ultrasound.  My OB is not concerned about the health of the baby, he seems to be doing great.  She is more concerned about delivery.  I have a prior injury to my pelvis so the chance of having a C-section was already a little higher than average.  Thanks in advance!

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Me:35, Using frozen donor sperm. 2009-2010 - several non-medicated "at home" frozen donor sperm cycles = BFN
IUIs 1-3 in 2010 = BFN
4/2012: IUI #4 w/ new RE = BFP Missed m/c due to turner syndrome at 9 weeks, discovered at 12 weeks 3 days on 6/21/12. :(
Summer 2012 IUI 5 & 6 = BFN.
Was planning on moving onto IVF but insurance is requiring 3 injectable IUI rounds.
11/12/2012 - IUI #7 75 gonal-f cd3-12 + trigger. = BFP on Thanksgiving!
Beta 1 at 14dpo = 261 Beta 2 at 16dpo = 639 Good NT scan and Negative MaterniT21 test. It's a boy!
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