August 2013 Moms

20 week U/S - the good/the bad

The good news today was that LO is perfectly formed. We saw the heart, brain, hands, legs, arms, etc. etc. Everything is where it should be. He was super active, wavy his arms around and kept putting his thumb in his mouth. So cute! I'm totally in love!

The bad news is that my cervix is only 1.7. Its supposed to be between 3-5. Doc said that usually a short cervix is concerning at 2.5 when found at the 24 week appt. He referred me to a maternal fetal medicine specialist and said they will probably recommend a cerclage. It was after 5pm when all this happened but he was already scheduled in L&D with one of the NP's from the MFM practice. She called me right away and got me in with the specialist at 9am tomorrow morning. 

On the one hand I'm happy that they are getting me in so quickly, on the other hand its scaring me that it feels like an emergency. I'm trying to take it one step at a time, so am rescheduling all my appts for tomorrow. There is nothing I can do about it now other than just rest. 

Anyone have any experience with this or any insights? 

Lilypie Maternity tickers

BabyFruit Ticker

2011 BFP ended in miscarriage at 8w1d

"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake."
-Henry David Thoreau

I am Bumping from my phone so please forgive typos, brevity and know that I can't see your siggys.
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