2nd Trimester

Competitive coworker..

My coworker and I are pg at the same time--she is three weeks ahead of me, due the beginning of May. She is not the nicest person to begin with really but I swear it's all about her and her pg. I ask how she is feeling to be nice and she says "Ok", but never asks how I am..yesterday she went on and on about how she switched OB's and she has one of the best doctors in NJ..I told her I was seeing my OB every three weeks and getting a sonogram each time and she said "Are you high risk" (I'm 39 and first pregnancy but no major complications)..She's like "I was high risk but not anymore"..Then to top it off she said "I can't believe you are three weeks behind me"--She is showing much more than I am but I"m 5'3" and she is over 6 feet tall and a larger girl in general bone-structure wise. In my head I was thinking is this a competition? I have stopped asking her how she feels and I keep my conversations to a minimum..Ugh..

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