3rd Trimester

I am pure evil and I'm quite happy with it...

I'm having a repeat c-section on Friday.  DH is a consultant and has to go back to work the following Monday.  We also have an almost 2 year old.  

We decided, to heck with all the family, we are just going to have this 2.5 day chunk of time just for DH and I and new baby (DH will bring big baby to visit as well).  So we told all of our parents that we are not having visitors at the hospital and EVERYONE is more than welcome to visit as soon as we are home from hospital.

Most people thought it was totally understandable, especially since DH and I are very private, but a few thought it was totally inappropriate and we need to consider how it would hurt their feelings.

I'm not looking for validation of my choice.  My choice is awesome and is exactly what we want.  I guess the reason for this post is that I am constantly surprised at the "ownership" people take over someone else's pregnancy.  I understand that it's a new baby in the family but it's like....mine lol.  

Ahhh....family entitlement.  :) 

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