TTC after 35

Can Clomid help with high FSH?

I am worried I have high fsh.  If this cycle ins't a BFP, I got one of those First Response home fertility tests that test for high FSH that you do on cycle day 3.  If I get a + (which I am worried about since I am 37 and haven't had my fsh tested in 2 years) I will call my RE and see about getting a "real" check of fsh my following cycle.  In the event that it is high, will Clomid help?  DH and I aren't planning on doing any advanced help, but Clomid is easy and not too expensive.  I tried Clomid when we were TTC#1.  My RE wanted to try it first since we were unexplained IF and it is a good place to start anyway.  Unfortunately, it didn't work for us in the 3 cycles we tried it, but I was wondering if it would help with high FSH.  Thanks ladies!
Baby #1: 19 cycles, failed IUI, and 1 + IVF 3-5-07
Baby #2: 12 cycles, 1 failed FET, natural miracle but m/c at 9 weeks then another natural miracle that stuck! 9-30-09

TTC #3 - 4 cycles - no BFP yet!
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