3rd Trimester

Acid reflux setting in at 39 weeks?

I've been really fortunate to only have acid reflux a few isolated times throughout this pregnancy, but starting early this morning at 39 weeks, I've had bad acid reflux on and off all day.  

At my appointment last week, the doctor said I was 50% effaced and baby had dropped.  

Shouldn't that mean less acid reflux, not more?  

Has anyone else had this happen this far along?   

Married 6/11/2011 - TTC #1 since 8/2012 - BFP 10/6/2012 EDD 6/15/2013 Image and video hosting by TinyPic <a href="http://www.thenest.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="D
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