3rd Trimester

feeling TOO good?

I'm 38w and feeling...good. Dare I say great?? I'm very fortunate to have had a pretty good pregnancy but I'm wondering why I am still feeling pretty good at 38w? Don't get me wrong, there's a whole lotta pressure 'down there', and I have to pee a lot, sleeping sucks most nights, it hurts to get out of bed and out of our low car and yeah, I'm much more tired than usual but it's really not that bad. The doc says baby is dropping as every week I am measuring smaller and she suspects I'm thinning (though she has never checked) because of the extra discharge...and occasional braxton hicks but I feel like I feel TOO good to be anywhere near labor! I know I have 2 weeks left but people keep on asking me how I'm feeling and how I'm coping and all this and they all seem surprised when I say I feel fine. I'm still working too, and plan to until 39w. I'm full of energy for some reason! Today I weeded for an hour, ran several errands, cooked for 2 hours, did several loads of laundry...(I did have a 1.5 hour nap though!)  

Does anyone else feel really good around 38w too?? Just can't help but worry this means I'm gonna be really overdue....

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