1st Trimester

Tips for controlling nausea!

This isn't a question as much as some tips for my fellow preggies experiencing constant nausea. Luckily, I haven't had any vomiting so far, but I wake up nauseated and go to bed nauseated. I kind of wish it was like drinking too much, so that I could just throw up and feel better, but alas....

I have 2 tips for you guys, which so far have helped me:

- Don't rely on one remedy. I had found Preggie Pop Drops, which were helping...until I started eating them nonstop. The problem is that the nausea never completely subsides. You're just reducing it a bit, or temporarily distracting yourself from it. So what happened is that I started associating the pops with the nausea over time. Now just looking at one makes me feel queasy. Find a few different things that tend to work well, and mix it up. Eat a small popsicle and appreciate the brief respite. Wait a while, and then try something else. Tart, tangy, and sour candy work well. Popsicles are great. Ginger gum is nice. But my favorite so far is.....

 - Salt water taffy! I found some Trader Joe's taffy tucked in the back of the pantry and decided to try it out. Something about the chewiness, the texture, and the tangy flavor make it the best thing I've tried so far. I try to eat only a couple of pieces a day, though, so I don't ruin it!

 And if you can't stand to put anything in your mouth at all, I find that the smell of soap or a strong flowery candle (for a short moment) is extremely helpful. Just remember to mix it up!

Good luck to everybody!

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