3rd Trimester

First Big Decision

I don't normally double post but looking for all advice or stories I can get.  Posted on my monthly board as well. 

Just got back from my 34 week appt. Baby is still breech and the doc gave us a couple of options. We are having an u/s at 36 weeks to see if she is still breech and how much fluid etc I have.

1. Try and manually turn her at 37 weeks. Said if its too painful we can stop-but said if she doesn't respond well then we'll have to do any emergency c-section. I'm concerned about this obviously. He said hopefully by looking at the u/s he'll be able to tell me if he thinks the turn will work.

2. We schedule a c/s for 40 weeks or close to my due date and if she turns by then, then we can do a vaginal birth.

At first before he mentioned the emergency c-section- I considered the manual turn bc I'd like to avoid a c-section if at all possible. But now I'm thinking- I don't want to chance her coming 3 weeks early if I don't need too & end up with a c-section anyways. Anyone been in this situation? Ever had a manual turn?

I'd appreciate any stories or advice as this decision is kinda a big deal. Dr said to start thinking about it and 2 weeks from now we'll need to decide if we want to do the turn.

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