3rd Trimester

Shower Vent!

I do not mean to sound ungreatfull. Here is the story.

I do NOT get along with my MIL or any part of my other family and not for lack of trying! We had a huge blow up and I hit my limit this past new years and since I have cut off MY contact with them and have solely focused on me and my daughter and work and life. Husband has remained in touch here in there although strained bc of what they did.

Now we are many months down the road and getting closer to my due date and out of no where people in town start asking me about a baby shower. I had not had anyone offer and this is my second so I sure was not expecting one so no biggie I just let them know that at this time there were no plans.

Well my Mom and best friends 400 miles away back home had a big brunch with some gifts but they were the minimum nothing huge! I had already provided myself with nearly everything essential for newborns.

I get back from this get together and suddenly MIL and another lady whom I do not know at all are planning a shower! I did try to say no thank you it isnt necessary but couldnt blow it off entirely for fear of being totally rude.

MIL directly asks me over the phone when was good for me and I laid out my schedule both before and after delivery plus I stressed about not wanting tons of people around the baby that have not had their T-dap shot which was very important to me. I also explained my plans to be out of town and back home for many weeks after his birth to be with my family. I said that after the baby was born would NOT be a good time.

 here we are 1 week and 2 days before my DD and induction and I just find out that they are planning to have the shower in July after he is born.

Is it wrong to be aggravated? I do not want to feel obligated to change my plans to be out of town because she went completely against what what discussed. I will have my support down in Dallas with my family and I know the people I will be around had their shots bc we got them all together.

I do not know at all who would be at this Shower, I dont feel comfortable being around tons of people I dont know much less them being around the new baby....and I dont need anything else we have EVERYTHING covered.

What should I do about this? 

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