3rd Trimester

Ultrasound due to weight gain

Today I had my 35 week visit and my dr scheduled me for a 37 week ultrasound to see how big baby is. She said that the baby seemed to be a good size (meaning large I assume) after she did the measuring of the belly and fundus.  She also said I have gained too much weight another reason for the ultrasound. I was 135 when I went for my first visit and I've gained 43 lbs which honestly is mostly belly.  Every visit I would be concerned about the weight gain and ask the drs and none of them were concerned. Is so upsetting. But I guess I'm wondering what exactly are they looking for in the ultrasound. That the baby is already 10 lbs and I would have to schedule a c section?!! Or he's small and its just me that's getting to fat so they will tell me to stop eating ? I just don't understand.  

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