3rd Trimester

Other tests for GD besides 3 hr glucose?

I get that gestational diabetes is a serious issue, but I'm wondering if anyone knows additional tests that can be done after the 3 hr glucose test.

 This is baby #4 for me (others are 5,4 and 2). My biggest was 5 lbs 7 oz on his due date. Never failed even my 1 hr glucose test. This time around I failed the 1 hr glucose. With my 3 hr glucose my fasting number was very low, first draw was fine, 2nd draw was 4 pts over where they want it and last draw was low. My OB kind of went back and forth and said she'd at least like me to talk to a high risk doctor about it.

So I went yesterday and they gave me a meal plan (which really is what I normally eat minus fruit which I've been craving big time). They showed me how to test my numbers (which were fine at 1 hr past lunch). Then they did an ultrasound and said baby was in 35% (4 lbs at 33 weeks) and showed no risk of being large. They still have me coming in every week though, going to a dietician every week, and seeing my OB every week.

I get that they are being overly cautious, but I've had nothing that has pointed to a risk but one number, which was 4 pts high. I really have no problem with testing my sugar, but the appointments seem to be a huge pain. I can't start taking 3 days a week off work (they can never get me in for the same day and the appointments are always smack dab in the middle and across town) already or I'll end up with about 2 weeks of maternity leave. :(

So I was curious if anyone knew of additional testing I could request them to do or if anyone has worked out something with their OB (maybe like showing my numbers to my OB and having them call the high risk doctor and saying they are fine). Just seems like a lot of concern for something I honestly don't think I have.

I also do not have any of the risk factors that could cause GD except that I am 29 and they say the risk is higher over 25 and I was 10 lbs over my "ideal" weight prepregnancy. Other than that I'm a non-hispanic white female, past issues with LOW blood sugar, past pregnancies were all good, and no family history of diabetes.

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