Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Rnp to crib

Anyone else having difficulty with this transition?

My lo sleeps in the rnp for naps and night swaddle. He is the best nighttime sleeper lately for us. Goes to bed at9 wakes up at 530 to eat and back up for the day at 9. We are also able to put him down drowsy and rock him a few times and he's out.
He is currently outgrowing the rnp. To long and getting to heavy. So this is not by choice but necessity.
The past week I have been trying to transition him. Granted I'm not the most consistent. I try rocking him until he's out in my arms or putting him down drowsy. He remains swaddled as he likes it. He makes it 10 minutes most before screaming his head off.
How long does this transition take and any other tips. I only try the crib at nap times lately because sleep is precious to everyone in the home at night! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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