3rd Trimester

Battle of the grandmothers

Here we go ...

 I can have 3 people in the delivery room. So I said my husband, my mom, his mom.  Figured everyone would be happy.  Nope.  My mom doesnt want his mom in the delivery room. I dont mind either way, but being that its his mom's first grandbaby (I have two children prior) I think she really wants to be in there, so long as her face isn't all up in my vagina.  I figured she could stay by my head...my mom helped me through my first two labors more than my husband and even my doctor, so there's no question, I want her there and right in the middle of it.  His mom is quite pushy and my mom is worried about being shoved aside.  How in the heck am I supposed to please everyone at once?  Do I tell my husband the doc says only 2 people can come in?  Do I straight up say his mom cant come in?   Do I tell my mom to suck it up and risk hurting her feelings?  My mom doesn't see why she needs to be in there, saying its not HER daughter in labor.  Although my husband is having the baby too, maybe he wants his mom there as well? Ughh. Help! 

Yes, I know I should say "screw it" to everyone else's feelings and do what I want because IM the one in labor and having a baby but its not so easy when it comes to family and feelings.   

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