Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Bleeding after D&C (TMI)

I had my D&C on 9/19, 10 days ago.  I bled a little immediately after, then it tapered off after about day 3 or so.  It's now back, worse than before.  It seemed, a few days ago, that it was drying up and was dark brown and really only there when I went to the bathroom and wiped.  Now, it's bright red, and (TMI) I am passing clots as big as my fist.  Yesterday, I literally felt like my insides were falling out of me.  Not cramping, just like something was out of place and close to falling out.  I don't feel like that today, but now I have the issue with passing the clots.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the point of the D&C was to get all of this out of me. 

I did call my dr's office today and spoke to the nurse.  She said, unfortunately, there is no "normal" in this situation.  Everyone is different.  She asked if I was soaking a pad in an hour or less- I'm not.  It's not alot of blood, except when I pee, then the clots fall out.  The nurse said to call back again tomorrow if it doesn't seem better.

Did anyone else experience anything like this?  I thought it was over with, but then this starts.  My follow-up appt. is not until next Thursday.  I tried to move it up, but they are booked.  The nurse did tell me if I felt it got worse, they could squeeze me in, but I don't know if maybe I'm just worrying over nothing.

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BFP #1 5/2004 Karina Frances born February 6, 2005 8 lb., 6 oz.
BFP #2 8/2010 Hadleigh Abigail born April 7, 2011 8 lb., 11 oz.
BFP #3 7/2011 EDD 3/27/12 Missed MC at 12w3d (Sara Grace)
BFP #4 12/13/11 EDD 8/19/12 Praying for this little baby!
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