Food & Nutrition

Paleo snack ideas for daycare

At our daycare they require us to send lunch, so that's fine and we're permitted to send snacks if desired, which we do.

LO seems to be getting a bit bored with the same thing daily, which I can't say I blame him lol. Right now the am snack is a pumpkin muffin, and pm is fruit. He usually will eat some/most of the fruit but hasn't been interested in the muffin. Although part of me wonders if he's not that hungry in general. They feed the kids every 2-3hrs and he doesn't eat that often at home. 

Routine is 7:30a arrive - has banana if didn't eat breakfast at home, 10a snack, 12p lunch, then nap, wake and snack at 3p, pick up at 5p dinner at 6p.

I'd really prefer to not have him eat daycare snacks, they aren't always very healthy even if I was giving him grains. Examples include bugles, goldfish, crackers, chips, etc. Basically just filler foods with little nutritional value. I'd rather he have something like fruit that offers nutrients, fiber, etc.

Unfortunately, he isn't too keen on raw veggies, although I may try those and carrot sticks are not allowed due to choking risk.


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