Upstate NY Babies

Speaking of goody bags..

I assembled some really nice goody (goodie?) bags for my dd's birthday party.  I spent a lot of time and $ putting them together, and I did it without any candy.  Depending on their age, they got things like a book, book of stickers, bag of playdoh, silly bandz, beads, lacing puzzle, notebook, and more.

The parents got boxes of really nice chocolates shaped like fall leaves and wrapped in a variety of fall color foil - so I figured I'd leave it to their discretion to share the candy with their kids.

My DH's cousin's kid (age 5) looks into the bag and howls "Where's my candy??!!!!!!"

Seriously.. and the mom told her kid to say thanks, but wow.  Something tells me she gets - and eats - a lot of candy. 

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