Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Birthday party suggestions - Allen area

Not baby related-

My daughter turns 4 in three weeks, her birthday is scheduled to be at the gymnastics place she has been going to for over a year- easy breazy.

Last night she is goofing around in her bed, falls off and breaks her arm. Thankfully it's a minor break and won't require surgery, just a hard cast for sixish weeks. But obviously no gymnastics (or swimming or anything fun like that). So now I'm trying to figure out what to do or where to have her party where she will still have fun and enjoy it.

Neither my husband or myself have ever had broken bones so we don't know what to expect as far as what she can safely do, especially since she is still on the young side of actively knowing what's best for her in the long run (basically that it looks fun to jump off the side of the play gym but not smart with a broken arm).

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