3rd Trimester

mucous plug?? help

This might be tmi for some, but I am curious, and my ob isn't calling back. My question is this... Has anyone ever lost their mucous plug right after intercourse? I had sex with my fiance, and he did not ejaculate inside me (tmi sorry), but when I went to the bathroom right after, there was a glob of blood tinged mucous on the toilet paper. I wiped again and there was more blood tinged mucous, and again a third time, but clearer with each wipe until there was nothing. I am 37 weeks and 4 days. I also had a doctors appointment today and he checked my cervix. He said I was a fingertip length dilated but that was it. So, I figured I had weeks left. Do you ladies think that it was just irratation from intercourse and having my cervix checked? Or do you think it could be bloody show? I've had a lil bleeding before, after sex, but not in the form of mucous... Sorry for all the info, but I am getting psyched thinking it could be soon! I would appreciate any stories that resemble this situation... thank you
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