3rd Trimester

Another breech baby this time....

I just got back from the Dr & found out that the baby is breech - she was head down 2 wks ago but now is definitely 100% breech.  DS was also breech (this is baby #2 for us).  I am literally in shock - I think I could cry.  I really really really didn't want another c/s - I was banking on a successful vbac - Dr had said I had about an 80% chance.

Of course I heard the same stories from him that I heard when DS was breech - she could still turn, sometimes they turn at the last minute, blah blah...  But she is already measuring big (like DS - he was 9 lbs) so the likelyhood of her turning is decreasing every week..

With DS I went to the chiro 2x/week, did the exercises on spinning babies, etc - nothing worked with DS - I don't know if it's even worth trying all this stuff again - my Dr said usually those things don't work anyways... I just really cannot believe it!!

Anyone else have two breech babies???

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