3rd Trimester

So Sore

Morning ladies!

For you gals that have constant soreness- have you found anything that relieves the pain or do I just have to suffer for 8 1/2 more weeks? 

It's mainly sore on the insides of my legs up by my vagina.  My hips are a bit sore and I literally have to help myself roll over while in bed by lifting my butt up.  I still work out but I know it's not from that bc I have taken down my workouts to the minimum and if I skip a few days I'm still sore.  To get up from my chair at work- it's painful and the first few steps I can barely walk and then it works itself out a bit.  I'm guessing its just from things stretching?  I did talk to a girlfriend and she said that she had it with her 2nd pregnancy.  Just looking to see if anyone else is experiencing this?

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