3rd Trimester

Rash on Belly - Heeeelp!

I'm sure this has been posted about before, but I wanted to get feedback from other moms who may be experiencing it this trimester. I have a rash all over my big ol pregnant belly. I've read up on it and rashes are so hard to categorize and provide help for especially when you're pregnant. Most Dr's or websites tell you that the rash will stick around until the baby is born. I REALLY hope that's not the case. This rash started Friday while I was at work. I went out for lunch and it was extremely muggy and hot out and my belly started to itch so I scratched away only later to reveal this dreaded rash that has now been lingering since then. I looked over my approved list of drugs and purchased some Hydrocortisone (Cortaid, Lanacort) and rubbed it on my belly and, nothing. Is anyone else experiencing this or does someone know some trick to get it go away? I'll be 28 weeks in a few days and this sure would be a horrible way to ride out the rest of the pregnancy =/ 

Mrs. Lotz
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