3rd Trimester

Husband going on business trip.....

Would like to get everyone's opinion as to whether or not I'm over reacting.....

I'm 36 weeks pregnant, in a week in a half my husband is going on a business trip, a 4 hour car ride from our city, in a remote area, that does not always have full cell reception.

My upset here is, I had my daughter at 37 1/2 weeks. I know every pregnancy and birth is different and I may not deliver at the same time as my previous pregnancy, however my OB has already said he thinks I will deliver early. My husband does not think his business trip is any call for concern and he'll be close enough. His lack of concern is making me angry, and I feel he has no business ( no pun intended) going any where while I'm this far along in the pregnancy. I've tried explaining my feelings on the situation and all he keeps saying is your not going to deliver in 10 days and down playing my concern. Am I over reacting here or is he being an a$$?

Thanks and looking forward to your replies.

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