3rd Trimester

Remind me why I don't want to be induced

So my OB wants to induce on the 20th or 22nd which would mean I would be just shy of 40 weeks (my ticker is off, 5 days ahead of my EDD).  He wants to induce out of convenience and I am not ok with this so I told him I wanted to wait and go spontaneous.  I have a doula and the plan is to labor at home for the majority if possible and then head to the hospital later to hopefully avoid some interventions.  As the days roll on and labor hasn't started (I know it's early still) I am sooooo tempted to put that induction back on the table.  I know people get passionate about this subject and I am asking, please flame me for considering an elective induction!  I need the harsh reality.


BTW: This post isn't meant to judge other's choices about inductions, I just need support since I already had decided that I didn't want to be induced.   

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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