3rd Trimester

Hi! (Intro)

Hey ladies, thought I'd introduce myself with the hopes that it gives me sticky juju :). I'm 27w pregnant with ID twin girls.  Thrilled to have hit the 3rd tri milestone!  I've been on bed rest since 21w,4d, hospitalized at 23w,6d for short cervix and PTL.  Hoping to make it as close to term as possible, but prepared for preemies and feeling blessed with each additional day that passes.  Happy to be here :)
Natural m/c Oct. 2005
Dx: balanced translocation and LPD
TTC since Oct 2011
BPF 02/19/12 ----> EDD 10/31/12 ----> natural m/c 02/28/12 (4w6d)
And we're on to IVF, BCPs starting 10/17, stims 11/7: Lupron, Gonal F ---> too high estrogen, coasted for a few days then added 2 doses of Ganirelix; lots of measurable follies; 9R, 5M, 4F, 1 passed PGD, 1 3B blast transferred 11/23; PIO til ET, then PIO and Endometrin BID; +HPT 12/2 (9dp5dt), Beta #1 12/3 297, Beta #2 12/5 739/progesterone 69, Beta #3 12/12 ___

All welcome
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