3rd Trimester

Who here has had back labor?

I'm 4 days from due date and yesterday I started having bad back pains. Kicked my feet up and drank a ton of water, even took a mid-day nap. It was a dull constant ache from the bottom of my ribcage down to almost my hips and would get stronger (stabbing would be a good word) to where my sides would hurt regardless of whether I was on my feet or on my side relaxing. By evening I called the hospital and talked to a nurse. She said I was probably having back labor and asked if I could feel his legs and such from the front of my uterus, I could. She had me try a few things to get him to turn around and after he did, I had strong contractions with lots of pressure every ten-fifteen minutes. I decided to go to bed and wait... Well I passed out, only woke up for a couple contractions after that but woke up this morning with nothing.

Is it the pressure of how he was that was causing the labor?

Who has back labor experience here? I get a bad feeling this is going to keep happening because once again he's got his back to mine.

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