December 2013 Moms

Found out today. Telling my man did not go well

So I was on birth control, mainly because my boyfriend didn't feel ready to have a child he already has three and he's fifty. But apparently I am a member of the .001 percent whose BC failed them. Now I am pregnant and I am ecstatic. I've wanted a baby for a long time and I have a successful career with great benefits and understanding bosses and I'm 31 years old and baby's due on My birthday. Sounds great right. Well my boyfriend is freaking out and talking like he never wanted to have another child even though he has said he did when the time was right. He's currently sleeping in the guest room his choice not mine. I want him to be able to express his thoughts and fears but I also feel like he was dishonest with me about the future of our relationship. I told him from the beginning how important having a child was to me and he said in no uncertain terms that he was on board...when the time was right.
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