3rd Trimester

Appetite Loss?

Didn't get any responses from my birth month so I figured I'd try here...

I've had regular mild to moderate contractions for the last 12 hours. Only a few here and there that have taken my breath away. I've been staying hydrated and sleeping through much of it while husband times by watching my belly. I ate a bowl of cereal last night to ward of nausea like I did in 1st tri, then this morning I haven't had a stitch of appetite. Is this anything other second time moms have experienced? I just haven't heard of not having an appetite whether its early or active labor, even reading about women eating full meals throughout...

And yes, I know despite my appetite, I need to be eating which is why I've been sipping on a smoothie all morning. I just want to know if this is something normal...

Thanks for your patience and advice!
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