3rd Trimester

Something funny... pregnancy dreams

I had THE strangest dream last night...

My husband and I had moved back to the town that we just moved away from last year.  When we got there we couldn't find a house to buy, so we ended up living in a hotel that was also somehow our office that we worked at.

So, I've got this passion for veggie gardening, and I asked the hotel if I could plant gardens in the boulevards between the parking lot and the highway, which they were ok with. When I went outside to start, this lady pulled up in this beautiful 1930's car... shiny, mint condition, Nazi parade car (WTH?!?)... seriously, shiny grey in colour with the art deco Nazi eagle in chrome, and swastikas... the whole nine yards. I go to talk to this lady about her car because I figured she collected classics or something, and Hitler pulls up in a PT Cruiser (??) and starts speaking to this woman in German. When I tried to touch the car, the woman yelled at me, so I figured I would go and start my gardening.

Then Hitler comes over and offers to help. He happened to be extremely friendly, and knew a lot about gardening and noxious weeds. He helped me to identify things to pull out and what to leave, and he was very helpful.

So at the end of the day, I ended up gardening with friendly Hitler....

I'm not sure what to make of this (no, I'm not a Nazi sympathizer or anything)... anybody else have some really good, bizzare pregnancy dreams?

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