3rd Trimester

labor and delivery

This is my first child and I am trying to be excited but apparently I am really stressed about who should be in the room during labor. I really would like only for my partner to be in the room with me and no one else. My mother tell me every day that she better be in the room over my partner and his mother keeps saying that she will be depressed if she not in the room. This puts me in a bad position because i really want to be comfortable and I don't want either of them in the room but I don't want to make anyone mad is there an easier why to tell them or should I just tell my doctor that no one is allowed in the room until after birth. Every time i bring up the subject they don't let me talk they just get angry and that the end of the conversation. I may be a young adult but this is turing out to be the hardest discussion of my life....any advice would be greatful
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