TTC After a Loss


Hi everyone, I hope I can join back in here. I had my m/c and d&c the beginning of the year and posted a bit back then. We were TTA for a few reasons and I needed to not be around here as much because it was just hard at the time for me.

I seemed to be doing okay for a few months. I set a goal for myself to train for a 5 K and ran one a few weeks ago. It was a huge rush of emotions crossing the finish line as I recalled why I started running (the m/c) and how far I have come physically and emotionally. It's been a long road. Just recently, as I approach my EDD in another week or so, I've been randomly emotional again. Ready to cry at the drop of a hat, over seemingly little things. I know the next few weeks will be rough. I'll be turning 30 in a few weeks, and for the longest time I thought I'd be ringing it in at home with a newborn...

However there is a bright side....DH and I decided we are ready to start TTC again after this cycle!! I'm experiencing a huge range of emotions with this choice as I'm sure some of you can relate. It's very scary, but I feel that ache for a baby so badly. Like someone here told me back when I posted before, "someday the desire to have a baby will overcome the fear". That was brilliant and exactly where I am. 

Anyways, I'm excited to be back in this supportive place where I can offer help to others and receive understanding from those who know where I've been. 

Ashley - Mama to DS born 5/8/2007 Angel Baby #1 M/C 10/2008 DD born 10/21/2009 Angel Baby #2 Missed M/C 12/26/2011, D&C 1/5/1012
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