3rd Trimester

GD 3 hour test- fasting ?'s

So I ate dinner last night about 630 pm. I went to sleep around 830 or 9. I woke up at 130 because I had to pee, and just couldn't go back to sleep. About 215 I am so starving- I drank a ton of water hoping that would help curb the hunger pains....it didn't work. around 245 I searched my kitchen for something I could eat- I decided...the hunger pain was so bad...I was getting physically sick, so I broke down and ate a banana, and drank more water. Finally- I was able to go back to bed at about 330 or so.

I am up now....thanks to my husband and his loud as*.

I will head to the lab right after I drop my kids off for school- and I know I will have a wait to be seen- do you think that banana and water I drank will mess my results up? I don't even want to do the test in the first place, but I have to do it, but if the results have even the slightest possibility of being wrong due to the banana and water I ate and drank earlier, I would rather not go, and go another day.

I know they told me to fast, but they didn't say how long before the appointment to fast.

btw- it's my 3 hour test.


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