3rd Trimester

X-P: Version?

I'm 36w, 2d, and U/S confirmed today that baby is still breech. I've been doing moxibustion for 8 days, trying to do at least one spinningbabies move a day, and have tried the frozen peas trick. Next Monday, I'm scheduled to head to the chiropractor to try the Webster technique (and, in fact, I was told in physical therapy years ago that my alignment is a little off) - and I can do followups on Tuesday and Wednesday as well. If baby doesn't turn, they'll schedule a C-section for 39 weeks.

My doctor is willing to try version next Thursday and I would need to schedule now. There's a 50-60% success rate...I know it can be painful. I also know there is a small chance that something could go wrong and we'd have to do an emergency C-section. Anyone tried this or know someone who has? 

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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