3rd Trimester

Will hubby have to pay more child support if he gets a new job



Or does his daughters mom have to take him back to court again?

What happens when the child support goes to come out of his check from his old employer? 

Does the set amount of 345 stick even if he finds a job where he can make more or will he have to pay more?  


The set amount is 345 per month - that goes STRICTLY to his daughters moms partying and personal needs etc (she openly admits that she does not use it for their daughter). She also does not pay any bills or anything that has something to do with their daughter. Of course we wouldnt care if she put it towards bills etc but she doesnt have any. Her mom (grandma) pays for all my step daughters needs (and desires) and my step daughters mom pockets the child support.  We told her grandma to take the 345 but she doesnt want or need to. 

We were working towards getting a new place so she could have her own room here etc and now we cant even afford all the plans we had because of this child support!  We also wanted to get a lawyer and work out custody somehow but cant afford one, plus she loves living with her rich grandma. 
Hubby always paid for his daughter, but daughters mom got mad when he confronted her about using it for things that had nothing to do with their daughter. She admitted she used it for partying etc and thinks its funny! Thats why she took him for support. 
Our baby is due in June... hoping that will help this cost a little 
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