3rd Trimester

Sprout is here! A Murphy's Law delivery story...

So Friday I gave birth to DD#2, six days early, and we are now settled in at home so I can share our "birth story" highlights:

Had so many false starts that I was determined *not* to go in early, and follow my doc's advice (go in when they're 5 apart).  Still, Thursday morning when they were coming at 6 & 7 min apart I figured we should head in.  They'd been going on like that for about an hour when I made the call to go,in at 4:45 a.m.  Hopped in the shower to perk up & clean up and they went from 6-7 min apart to 2-3 min.  There was no in between.

Made it to the hospital and MIL was waiting for us to take DD#1, so that was good.  Called my dad on the way and he called my sis.  He headed in but I'm not sure when he arrived. 

Not so good is that I'm checked in quickly and asking for an epi and they're telling me they need to wait for doctor's orders.  They check me and I'm already at 5 cm.  Hanging in there but keep asking for epi, and finally I get told they've got the OK that they could start the IV and then do the epi.  Meanwhile, my OB is not going to make it in time and they are calling for a dif't doc...any doc.

So they start the IV...and DH passes out on top of me.  Nurse doesn't know whether to finish the IV or care for him and I'm ordering her to FINISH THE IV.  She can't get to the HELP button because DH is blocking it.  She gets the IV and calls for back up for DH and about a half dozen nurses come in, plus the anesthesiologist.  They've checked me again though and I'm at 10 and ready to push and am told I can't get the epi.  DH is still on the ground, but they get him over to the side of the room.  They take my pillow for him.

Most of this I'm screaming because I need an epidural and nobody's able to coach me through any of this because DH is getting all the attention in the room.  I'm trying to talk between contractions to let them know he's passed out before and he will be okay.

New doc shows up and keeps talking to the nurses, asking where *my* doc is, and they're telling him she won't make it and he has to deliver.  I'm ready to push and they're still debating what to do.  They finally get my legs up in stirrups and I'm allowed to push. 

Some of the nurses are now with me and telling me when to push and when to stop.  And telling me to stop screaming and push.

Somewhere during this the doctor takes a cell phone call (I think the nurse was holding it to his ear) and saying he'll call the person back later, he's delivering a baby.  Give him 5 minutes.

I can hear DH echo the nurses a few times (Push!) but mostly he's just a lump on the side of the room through delivery.  

Finally they use a little vacuum to help on the final two pushes and Sprout is born at 6:23.  I don't think I was even at the hospital (from front door to them putting her on my chest after delivery) for a full hour.  

8 lbs 8 oz and yeah I tore.

DH was given graham crackers and juice and threw up a few times and spent most of the first morning passed out on the couch "resting."   

So I guess it's good I didn't wait for the contractions to go to 5 apart because then I really probably would have had her on the freeway. 

So, yeah, STM's...get to the hospital sooner rather than later.  And bring your own hot pad.  (That's another story.) 

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