Pregnant after IF


Well, since yesterday was graduation day from our RE, I thought it was time to make an intro. I have been extremely scared to do so, but I am remaining positive that this is finally our time! 

Our second round of IVF is bringing us twin blessings. I am sad to be leaving our RE's office as we have been with them for almost two years and we are so comfortable with all of the staff. Of course we are thrilled to finally be in this position! 

We saw two perfect heartbeats on all three of our ultrasounds and both babies are measuring right on.  I have my first OB apointment on the 14th and I have million questions.

The IF board was a great help and now I'm sure this board will be to! 

Me-39, DH 36 Married May 2010 TTC since June 2010 Un-monitored clomid cycles 1/11-3/11 Began seeing RE March 2011 4/11-6/11 Femera +IUI =BFN 7/11-8/11 Femera +trigger shot +IUI =BFN Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy on 9/8/11 Surprise natural BFP! on 9/30/2011 M/C at 8 weeks D&C on 11/3/11 2nd M/C on 12/25- natural Feb-June Follistim + IUI= BFN IVF #1- Start Stimms- 8/3 ER- 8/18 5R 4M 3F ET- All 3 on 8/21 =BFN IVF #2- Start Stimms- 11/5 ER- 11/19 9R 8M 8F ET- 11/22 3 8 cell embies. BFP HPT! 12/4 Beta #1- 12/6 976! Ultrasound on 12/21- Twins! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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