3rd Trimester

So many false alarms...blah.

Three separate times over the last month, I've had enough contractions to start getting ready to go to (and even driving to) the hospital without deciding to actually go in.  Most recently was Tuesday, where I had 35 contractions over several hours, but they never quite regularized time-wise.  We ended up leaving DD #1 with her grandparents overnight and going home so that if they did settle in at every-5 minutes, we could go in without dragging her out of bed in the middle of the night.  

I feel like I've been *almost* in labor for the last week with so many contractions--not just BH because they are painful--and they wake me up every night at least every hour.  

It's been so annoying that I have just been praying my water will break so I'll know for sure to go in and stop timing and guessing all the time. 

Today we went to the zoo (I'm determined to walk this baby out) and I was a bit wet down there.  Not much--just enough to make me stop and question again, is this CM or did my water break?  More on the way home--stopped at a bookstore to use the bathroom.  Nope.  At least I don't think so.  But for some reason more CM than I've had recently.  So now even my water breaking doesn't seem like it might be a clear enough signal for me.

Anyone else in this boat?  I'm a STM and I had very few BH with DD#1, woke up in labor with perfectly timed contractions 3 minutes apart, and none of this confusion.  SO over it. 

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