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Joshua's Birth Story - Opening Day baby

Well guys, he's here!  Here's how it all went down starting Sunday

 After going to sister in law for Easter lunch we got home and relaxed a bit and the wife decides she is hungry for nachos.  She makes a huge batch and devours about 65% of it and then she says to me, "holy crap I feel like I am going to burst."  I'm thinking, well no crap, you just ate enough nachos to choke a billy goat.  

Sure enough tho, about 45 minutes later her water breaks.  An hour later contractions were 5 minutes apart, lasting a minute each so I called the doc since we are an hour away from the hospital. He says come on down and we got there just before midnight on Sunday.  As soon as we got there she was 5cm so we went to a birthing room to saddle up.  

She labored naturally for about 5 and a half hours and got to 8cm but by this time the contractions we so stacked up that she could barely catch her breath and Joshua was showing some signs of distress so she got the epidural.  30 minutes later she was at 10cm and ready to push although the boy was only at -1 station.  Doc said she should try and push to  see if he would commit.  Everytime she pushed though his heartrate would plummet.  

Doctor then advised that it appeared the cord could be wrapped so a c-section would have to be done.  It was an emotional moment because we were both scared.  I knew that the baby would be okay because they were getting him out but I was so scared for my wife as her BP was 80/30 and her heartrate was dropping.  

They got him out though and they got her stabilized, he was born at 626AM Monday and he is taking the boob like a champ, just like his old man.  I am so thankful and humbled by the experience and basically over the GD moon.

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