3rd Trimester

38 weeks and "so close" to labor?

Hi everyone. I'm just looking for everyone experiences or if they've experienced anything close to what I'm going through. On Monday I was in ld for contractions 3 minutes apart. Nothing was changing so I chose to go home, my contractions stopped around 4 am Tuesday. That morning when I used the bathroom I found two huge globs of mucous which I'm going to guess was my plug, it was bloody and Into Wednesday I had a pink tinged discharge sorry for all this tmi! I had my 38 week appointment today, I was checked and I am 3cm 100 effaced, the baby has dropped and is engaged, my doctor could feel his head and he said I'm a "sneeze away from labor". But I've been experiencing zero timeable contractions, he told me to stay active and keep walking and that i most likely would deliver before my next appt. Did anyone else experience anything close to this and when did you go into labor? Thanks
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