Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Asleep in arms, wide awake in bed

Help! my 8 week old is usually a good sleeper but it is a struggle to get her to sleep. I've tried the CIO method twice but only for 10 mins then i'd go back in give her some love or her soother then she'd cry a few more mins and then pass out finally. (hope i don't get flamed here) it killed me both times but worked...i don't want to have to have her cry herself to sleep again.  she'll pass out in my arms with no problems but when i lay her down in her crib she wakes right up and within a few minutes she's crying.  i'll go back in and give her her soother or give her a rub or try to burp her again, then she'll fall asleep on me and then she's wide awake again when i lay her back down.  the poor girl is sooo tired. today she only slept a total of 2 hrs cause she fights her sleep.  I've tried rocking her bouncing, etc, then putting her down awake and drowsy, and it's the same thing again, wide awake and then cries. ugh.  any advice on how to help her get to sleep without crying??? plllease! thank you!
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