3rd Trimester

Big Baby Concerns

(I'm sorry this is long!..) 

Since my very first appointment with my OB after a positive hpt, I feel like the baby's size has always been an issue. I went to my very 1st appt. at 8 weeks (based on LMP) and doctor told me that baby only measured at 5 weeks 6 days and that my progesterone was low and he didn't think baby would make it over the next two weeks. Well - BABY MADE IT! :) So my due date got pushed back almost 2 weeks since they based it off the size of the baby and not my LMP. This was understandable. At my 20 week ultrasound, the doctor told me he was concerned with placement of the umbilical cord because it was on the margin of the placenta. He sent me to the hospital to have an U/S done with the Perinatology department. Here they verified the placement of the umbilical cord and said they wanted to monitor it every 4 weeks to ensure the baby is growing well. Apparently my baby is growing to well now. At 24 weeks they said baby was nearing 2 1/2lbs when they expected him/her to only weigh approx 2 lbs. Well today at 28 1/2 weeks they say baby weighs 3lbs 10oz and that is apparently more than the 95th percentile.

How does baby go from too small and may not live to large and maybe need to be induced early?! I can't help but wonder if my due date is off..

I refuse to be induced unless there is a great medical reason. Since when are women incapable of giving birth to a 9 or 10lb baby naturally?! I dreamt of this day for so long, I don't want to be pressured into induction or c-section. I want to enjoy the rest of this pregnancy without any more concerns because 28 1/2 weeks of worrying is exhausting.

 Just needed to vent - any positive feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read this. :)

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