3rd Trimester

3rd Trimester...maaaayyybe...?

Hey ladies!  I'm kind of lurking a bit on the 3rd trimester board :)  I just hit 27 weeks today, and have read so many conflicting opinions that I don't know if I'm beginning 3rd tri today, or if it starts next week! Ha!  Either way, hello to all of you lovely ladies, and I'm excited to get down to the nitty gritty 3rd tri!  It's our first little one, and we're thrilled to be welcoming a baby boy in June.  Only a few more months until we meet our little Grant <3 
Dx with PCOS in 2004; TTC #1 since 2006. 6 failed rounds of Clomid, 1 failed round of injectibles, innumerable failed cycles of herbs, accupuncture, etc. FINALLY got BFP on 10/4/2012 after 2 rounds of Femara Can't wait to be a mommy! Pregnancy Ticker
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