August 2013 Moms

We are having a ....

BOY!! 3rd boy!! We are so excited! We went to the OB today just for our regular checkup (every time I have been there they have given me an u/s which I think is kind of strange.)  But, he asked me if I knew the sex of the baby yet (I should only be 15w 5d today), I told him no I was going tonight to find out at an elective u/s place. He said don't waste the money let?s find out right now. He turned on the U/S machine and first thought it was a girl but, the baby's leg moved and he said wait that's 100% a boy. My youngest son was with us and he thought it was so cool we could see the baby on the "computer like Skype". He also picked the baby?s name ?Captain America? LOL

imageimageimageimageBabyFetus Ticker Mommy of two amazing boys **Aiden 5 & Logan 3**
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