August 2013 Moms

OB appt. possible uti?

So I'm 18w4d today and had my OB appointment, side not my as results weren't in yet so I have to wait boo but the doc I went to said all looked good. Anyway so my OB asked today if I was feeling any contractions and I explained that after I used the restroom usually first in the morning I have a tightening in my stomach, now maybe I should have said uterus but I figured she'd relate it since she was asking about contractions and I told her I have the tightening and it gets hard for a few and then softens back. To this she said she wanted me to have a urinalysis to check for a uti. Now I don't mind getting checked just in case but I thought she was going tell me the were BH and that's what I've been assuming. So a little confused. Anyone have anything similar and if so was it a uti or BH?
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