August 2013 Moms

Planned Induction?

I am due on August 31. The town that I live currently has a Hard and Fast Rule - Born ON or BEFORE September 1 to start school. So if I deliver on, say, September 2, my kid has to wait an entire year to start school. I called the school department to see if there was flexibility for the child born on September 2 and was told, "absolutely not". Issues - #1- Depending on the child, we might decide to hold them back a year anyway if they aren't mature enough to start school. But I want to be able to make that decision with my husband, not be forced by my town. #2- We spend approx $18k a year PER kid on daycare. Holding baby back a year is about an $18k expense. That said, my OB will induce me as early as August 24. I was thrilled with this response! However, she also cautioned me that early induction creates a greater need for a c-section, which I would really prefer to avoid. Has anyone elected to be induced early? How did it go?
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