3rd Trimester

going in due to (i hope BH) contractions...

So I'm a STM so you wouldn't think this would be a stumper for me, but I already called and got squeezed in for later this morning (I'm west coast) to see my doc because I'm having a ton of what I hope are BH contractions.  I'm so not ready (nothing's set up, although at least we have what we need, even if it's in the garage for now) and can't get a hold of DH.  My "will watch DD#1 when in labor" friend isn't available because her husband is home sick with the stomach flu and I don't want DD to get it so I'm keeping her with me (not going to L&D, just the doc) so this is going to be *fun*.  

Oh well.  Anyone else have a ton of fairly frequent and getting more intense BH this early?  Hoping they'll just check me out, tell me yes I'm having BH and to just keep breathing through them, and send me on my way.

(Off to order NB size didies since that's the one last thing we need...) 

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