Dads & Dads-to-be

One trimester down, two more to go...

So we are making progress.  My wife is 14 weeks as of tomorrow and it seems like her overall energy level has improved.  We had our second ultrasound on Friday, the first since a month ago, and for the first time what we were seeing on the screen actually looked like a tiny human!  Not just an amorphous grey blob with a flickering point of light.  

The baby was opening his/her mouth and making tiny fists and I was blown away.  In general, men are very visual creatures and I think that the idea of her pregnancy really didn't hit home for me until I saw the baby on the screen.  There is no doubt now...she is most definitely growing a tiny human being.  

My Grandma and two of my aunts purchased our first baby items over the weekend.  I now own our first package of diapers and a small baby book and I'm pretty sure there will plenty more to come in the following months/years.  There is a lot to look forward to in the next few months with Spring on its way and the second trimester.  I can't wait for April when we find out the gender. 

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