Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Is it time to start potty training?

DD sits on the potty whenever I am in the bathroom she comes in and sits on her potty ? clothed.  I?ll put her on the big girl potty before tub time if she says she wants to sit on it, she never does anything ? and if she says no, I don?t force her.  


Well the past couple of weeks DD has been pulling her diaper down.  Usually if she has clothes on she doesn?t bother with it but some nights, like the other night, she took her Capri pants and her diaper off.  She was running around the house sat on her potty a few times did nothing.   When she came back into the kitchen she stopped, looked at me and started to pee on the floor so I picked her up and ran her back into the bathroom and she did finish on the big girl potty.  I told her I was proud of her let her say ?bye? to her ?pee-pee? and we did a ?potty dance?.  She was rewarded with cucumber slices because that?s what she wanted.  I left her diaper off and figured maybe she?s ready for potty training so after about 15 minutes I tried to put her back on the potty but she didn?t want to go.    She still takes her diaper off and if I tell her to pull it up she sometimes will?a few other people have mentioned that this is usually a sign that they?re ready for pull ups/potty training.  Just wondering what everyone else?s thoughts were on this?  I don?t want to rush her into potty training if she?s not ready, but I also don?t want to hold her back and ?baby her? if she really is ready.  She?ll be 20 months next Friday.  

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