August 2013 Moms

Here goes my husband...

Disclaimer:  My husband and I have a very joking relationship...we always rip on each other and neither one of us is sensitive...and can I just say thank god.  Because the stuff he comes up with...

He came home last night as I was drying off myself and the baby after our bath.  "Oh look, mommy looks like an orangatuan!" you are buying me a tummy tuck after these twins AND a boob lift!

Last pregnancy though, he actually said things he thought were nice and just was clueless to how he sounded.  Like when he said he could tell I was showing because my stomach looked so smooth.  I said what do you mean, and he says, you know...I don't see the cellulite anymore.

Or when I was excited that I finally was growing a bubble butt and he knew it and came in and said "wow look at that huge a$$!!!"  Uhhh...that's not exactly the way to word it, haha.

I promise....he isn't an ***...we crack each other up constantly.  He just has a special way with words, haha.

Anyone else's husband's put their foot in their mouth recently?

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