Special Needs

To increase or not increase

DD gets PT 4 times a week. In addition to 3 sessions of OT, 2 Speech, 2 Feeding per week. We've seen great leaps in her skills. We think she's capable of more and want to take advantage of her current sponginess for learning new skills.

We want an increase of PT to 5x/week. Our PT doesn't want to. She called the neurologist (who used to work with her at the children's hospital that her program is in) and he said, "do what you think is right." Which to me and H is him washing his hands of the situation and letting the therapists do what they deem appropriate.

Our pediatrician feels that that an increase would benefit her. 

DD's program is 2.5 hours a day. She has classroom time and gets pulled for sessions. We added out all of her sessions and right now she's getting 30 minutes more classroom time than therapy time. If we were to add one more therapy session she'd be equal in time in and out of the classroom. The PT is trying to tell us and convince us that she needs the classroom time. If she's getting equal amounts, I see nothing detrimental. It's not like she's getting only 4 hours a week in classroom. 

H is calling the neuro today. I get that this therapist wants to do what's best for DD and what's in her best interest - but so do we. And we want to take advantage of our small window of optimal rewiring time.

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